Okay, so my 20th class reunion was this past weekend. For your morning dose of laughter (!) I am enclosing my senior photo (which at the time my friends and I referred to as
My Floating Head Pose) a little 17 year old Lisa with huge hair. (can you almost smell the "Aussie Scrunch Spray"?) We didn't have ipods we had cassette tapes, boom boxes and finally sony walkmans, we didn't have Playstation, we had atari and frogger, we didn't text message but passed notes as fast as the mills could could make the paper. We didn't have cordless phones so we begged our parents for the longest cord possible to get some privacy. In my case, I would wind the phone around the wall to the laundry room and close the pocket door. During my years in high school I witnessed the birth of VCRs, Madonna, Leggings, MTV, Banana clips, cropped Guess jeans (that zipped at the bottom and even better if they were ripped), Breakfast club, 99 Luft Balloons and I'm not ashamed to admit I was an 80's rocker, ha ha, again ... see the hair photo. I am one of those people who positively loved the highs and lows and the friendships of my high school years. My heart full of love and often broken, but those were just the best of times. There's an unmistakable bond with the friends you make during such formative years. When I wasn't attending football games or playing volleyball or tennis, I was almost always on the phone with my girlfriends analyzing the latest drama in our lives (which there was never a shortage of, ha ha). If you could bottle the energy found in a teenage girl talking with her girlfriends it would be the best energy source on the market. All in all our Class of '87 reunion was a success. So
great to see everyone after all these years, most I haven't seen since our 10 year and some I had wished to see were not there. Loved meeting my friend's children the next day and was also quite nice to spend time with some folks I didn't get the opportunity to know very well while actually
in high school. I openly admit it was my loss. As predicted, our 20 year was very different from the 10 year and makes me wonder what our 30 year will be like? After ten years everyone is still trying to figure out who they are, they are climbing whatever ladder they chose and creating an image of themselves. By the 20th, I found that had all gone by the wayside. They understand they are who they are and who they are going to be....and most are comfortable with that. We were all able to go and say,
Hey, this is me....take it or leave it! Much more liberating, ha ha.
What stinks about being almost 40? What is good about it? Well, I don't like the slower metabolism, that's for sure. Sometimes I feel too busy for my own good. But I do like the age I am now because I know exactly who I am, who I was, and I don't make any apologies for that at all. I am better at not wasting my time and savoring the small joys and simplicities of life.
My advice to current high schoolers? You're not the center of the world. Deal with it. Have fun, work hard, and welcome new experiences. Look beyond the person to your left and right and reach out to others. But most of all, don't worry about your hair. Trust me, it's not worth the time! ha ha
Where do I want to go from here? What do I want to do? Who do I want to be? I want to be nice and be good counsel for others. I want to love people passionately. I want to feel vibrant and capable. I want to travel more and read more. I want to know God more. Most of all, I want to enjoy my family, be more active and laugh a lot.