artist — mother — create — love — laugh — pray

This is to be a quiet place for me. A well deserved 10 minutes for a mommy to gain clarity & perspective, perhaps discover how to manage this balancing act of mine? I've also decided this to be my creative voice so you will likely see art (& artists) I admire, recipes, inspirational quotes. Or even a nod to the latest gadget/child must-have? My joys & frustrations with parenthood, work & most anything else that goes on in my oh-so-glamorous life! I'm a stay at home mommy by day. At night I read bedtime stories. When I'm not busy cutting food into small pieces, I design.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

God Jul!

While Chad hung out with Zachary for a Daddy-day, I embraced my nordic roots & attended the Scandinavian Christmas Fair with Gabrielle (she has no idea she’s not Norwegian, ha ha). In this photo she is modeling her littls Santa Lucia crown she made. Had a fabulous time & brought back a ton of memories I cherish of my Gramma Hjordis who seemed to always give our Christmas Eve’s that special Norwegian sparkle, hope to make the ScanFair a holiday tradition for our little family. God Jul!

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