Later, it was finding the balance between working at home and shutting down to actually enjoy being at home. Shortly after, it was cramming all my deadlines into 3 days a week so I could, i dunno, pretend I was retired for the other 4? I would run errands, take care of our home, our farm and all the animals that implies. I recall snickering to myself that I could work in my pajamas while on conference call with New York. Fast forward several years. With great anticipation, we are now a family. We are so thoroughly blessed and incredibly grateful. As far as balance, yep, it has shifted again.
As an infant, my pumpkin slept so much that I could maintain a good pace. My husband, bless his heart, he has watched his motivated wife go through so many stages these last few years. For so long I was spending like i still brought home a full time salary. Dangerous territory with a husband who checked out when he was stressed and a wife who kept causing said stress. Ugly cycle. I've come full circle, (growing up? hmmm. perhaps!) I admit, and I do hunger to stretch my creative legs again as I'm burning the midnight oil tonight, but come morning --- it's all about ponies, princess crowns & cheerios, and I soooooo love that too. Fortunately Chad and I are both on the same page. She has her mommy's guidance sun-up till sun-down. Although I'm quite strict, I'm also the goofiest playmate i know. There's that need again, balance.
Right now, my daughter is 2. I've (all too eagerly it seems?) put my workload in a perpetual holding pattern. Yes there are project exceptions, but mostly mommy-mode-for-me. Recharging my creative battery while wearing my new mommy hat is beautifully decadant. Well, I'm once again bursting with creativity all while truly realizing I am the luckiest mommy on the planet. [did i mention I'm my darling's personal color crayon artist?!!!] and am finding it hard to run a design firm when Bert & Ernie are my biggest (non-paying) clients! I neeeeed the creative outlet my designs bring me. There I said it. I crave the blank canvas of my Quark document. The beauty is, I have never enjoyed my life more than as a mother. To compensate I need to be more selective of the jobs I seek and ultimately the projects I take on. So don't stop calling me my precious precious clients!!! It's a win-win! Downside to my part time gig? translates to way less income. With MY impulsive nature? Being thrifty is not my strong suit, but I am learning (thank you for your recent sermon Pastor Tim) ... stuff is just stuff. period.
In my marriage, my life, my balance ----- my saving grace has been prayer and my faith in God. I'm constantly reminded that when I try to control everything on my own, well... that is when I feel the most overwhelmed and defeated (and depleted). Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." I could not agree more.

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