EXERPT: Or should I say “Well Balanced Moms Are More Fun”? Let me ask you… When was the last time you had lunch with some girl friends, or went on a girl’s night out? When was the last time you went on a romantic weekend getaway with your spouse? If you can’t remember, we definitely have to talk.
It’s so easy to fall into the mommy guilt trap. We feel guilty if we take time for ourselves, so we end up taking care of everyone in the family but us. It’s easy to lose ourselves in the quest to become SuperMom. Along the way we get stressed out and aggravated. It’s important to do something just for us to stay balanced moms. Here are some ways for you to get started on your journey to rediscover YOU.
Put yourself in a time-out :: Get together with some girlfriends :: Spend a romantic weekend with your spouse – anywhere but at home :: Pamper Yourself :: You will be more relaxed, happier and actually be able to enjoy your family. After all, that’s why you had kids in the first place, didn’t you?
For entire article click here
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