Our precious zachary. This snuck up on us. One morning fine with mild cough & that afternoon laboring to breathe. Two ER visits later and then admitted to hospital for bronchiolitis RSV virus, dehydration and almost in respiratory arrest for lack of oxygen. 7 days in hospital. Aaaaaaah. Good to be home and we are so SO thankful! God is so faithful. Such an emotional time and I'm certain it hasn't fully impacted me as I was/am in total "Mama-Bear get through the crisis mode". But I'm looking way more forward than backward as we are reminded how fragile life really is. Thank you for all the meals, hugs, COFFEE!, support and for coming to pray over our sweet son. We so appreciate your kindness and your prayers. We felt (and continue to feel) each and every one of them that's for sure. Zachy's only up to eating 4-5oz at one time and our little man lost 1.5 pounds, but he's home, hungry and healthy and that's what matters most. And let me just say that Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital is THE place you want to be, remarkably skilled, caring and loving physicians and nurses. My little guy was verrrrrry well cared for (as was I). Chad was able to get time off to be home with our sweet Gabrielle and I was able to stay in same room with Zach the entire time. Well i started taking photos on my phone to update my friends/family out of town when Zach was about halfway through and on the mend ... and with a few clicks here and there it just sort of evolved to this video. This was simply a faster more expressive way to share our experience (God's mercy) with you. We praise and give Him all the glory for our Zachy's remarkable recovery. With grateful hearts, Lisa, Chad, Gabrielle & Zachary Dunnavant
artist — mother — create — love — laugh — pray
This is to be a quiet place for me. A well deserved 10 minutes for a mommy to gain clarity & perspective, perhaps discover how to manage this balancing act of mine? I've also decided this to be my creative voice so you will likely see art (& artists) I admire, recipes, inspirational quotes. Or even a nod to the latest gadget/child must-have? My joys & frustrations with parenthood, work & most anything else that goes on in my oh-so-glamorous life! I'm a stay at home mommy by day. At night I read bedtime stories. When I'm not busy cutting food into small pieces, I design.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
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All right!! You're home! Sooooo glad to hear that... I love this video you put together, what a little fighter Zach is, and what a great God we have! Can't wait to see you guys!!!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tv-lcd.blogspot.com. A hug.
Hey Lisa - Lynette here....I JUST watched the video of Zach - okay holding back the tears...SO glad he's okay and what a sweet presentation you did for him! God bless you sister of my heart - I LOVE YOU all!
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