The way I see it is I can always use a little more Grace in my life and certainly in my parenting! The primary word that describes how God deals with His children is grace. Grace does not exclude obedience, respect, boundaries and discipline, but it does determine the climate in which these important parts of parenting are carried out. [Can i just say how excited i am to read this book?!!!] Dr. Tim Kimmel explains how fear-based parenting is a guaranteed method to set children up for failure. Learn how to meet your child's three driving inner needs for security, significance and strength with the invaluable gifts of love, purpose and hope.
Here is a LINK to many reviews for our new FALL book we're studying GRACE BASED PARENTING, by Tim Kimmel. Here are the dates / times of this 2-month study, Tuesdays 9:30-11:30, Hillcrest Church of The Nazarene, Vancouver, WA 98685:
Here is a LINK to many reviews for our new FALL book we're studying GRACE BASED PARENTING, by Tim Kimmel. Here are the dates / times of this 2-month study, Tuesdays 9:30-11:30, Hillcrest Church of The Nazarene, Vancouver, WA 98685:
September 23 and 30
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4 and 11
please contact myself or Jane Scott ASAP
if you want to participate in Hillcrest Women's Ministries Fall Book Club*!
*rememeber there are 3-4 other book studies that day!
if you want to participate in Hillcrest Women's Ministries Fall Book Club*!
*rememeber there are 3-4 other book studies that day!
[exerpt:] "As a parent you have been singled out to do a favor for God. He is asking you to be His representative to a small but vital part of the next generation. He needs someone to be His voice, His arms, and His heart. He chose YOU... 'Now go, and give these precious lives meaning'... The answer is actually not that difficult. You simply need to treat your children the way GOD treats YOU. He does it in His grace."

I hope you all have a great study on Grace Based Parenting. Let us know if we can help you out in any way or answer any questions as you go through it. -Family Matters
hi bill, and thank you! i'm unable to view your blog tho? Lisa
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