artist — mother — create — love — laugh — pray

This is to be a quiet place for me. A well deserved 10 minutes for a mommy to gain clarity & perspective, perhaps discover how to manage this balancing act of mine? I've also decided this to be my creative voice so you will likely see art (& artists) I admire, recipes, inspirational quotes. Or even a nod to the latest gadget/child must-have? My joys & frustrations with parenthood, work & most anything else that goes on in my oh-so-glamorous life! I'm a stay at home mommy by day. At night I read bedtime stories. When I'm not busy cutting food into small pieces, I design.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Mother's Prayer ...

I came across this today and just fell in love with the message.

O Lord,
I need your help today.
I want to care
for those you've sent into my life,
to help them develop the special gifts
you've given them.

But I also want to free them
to follow their own paths
and to bring their loving wisdom
to the world.

Help me
to embrace them without clutching,
to support them without suffocating,
to correct them without crushing.

And help me
to live joyfully and playfully, myself,
so they can see your life in me
and find their way to you.

A mother's gift is to give life. But in the daily demands of feeding and forming, cleaning and cautioning, tending and teaching, her gift can get lost in the layers. She needs to remember that her work begins with herself. To be attentive to others, she must listen to her own heart. To care for others, she must take time for herself. To teach self-love to others, she must act lovingly towards her own body and her time. If the finds her own sparks, she will fan them in those around her. If she frees her own spirit, she will help others soar. If she focuses each moment by being wholly present, she will point the way to holiness and to God. And if she truly lives, she will give real life to the world, not only in her children's bodies, but in their souls.

World peace, pure love, one heart ...

This wonderful site One Wish World contains fun and artsy hand made items for women and children. I love the concept, products with heart and conscience. These folks bring to you unique gifts made with the perfect combination of hand, heart and soul. For every One Wish World T-shirt purchased, $10.00 will be donated to the KWATATOTO Orphanage located in Kenya.

"To Accomplish Great Things
We Must Dream As Well As Act"
~ Antole France

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A medium of expression ...

I so admire fine art photographers. I enjoy today's talent as well as some of the vintage work by the pioneering masters of photography. My new local favorite, Paul Hernandez. I have always been drawn to figurative black and white portraits. I find them clean, flawless and inspiring. What interest me about photography is the mystery of capturing a moment in time. In this case, fashion photography is more

than pretty people wearing pretty clothes. It reflects emotions and passion. When done right, these photographs are a true form of art and can be completely timeless.
Paul Hernandez' career started in the late 80's as a rock band photographer in Seattle during the hay day of grunge music. He moved towards shooting fashion and fine art photography while living and traveling throughout Europe in the 90's exploring and developing his unique style. The art lies in the artist, not the camera. Why is it that with over 60 years of improvements in cameras, lens sharpness, film grain, resolution and dynamic photo software that no one has been able to equal what Ansel Adams did back in the 1940's?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Animals went in two by two ...

For me, this week is even more about kids than ever as i am helping out with our church VBS in the preschool music section. What great fun, these little ones have such tender hearts and it certainly brings a smile to me face. Another thing that makes me smile is this the darling simplicity of this elephant sweater by !

Saturday, June 23, 2007

rain, rain DON'T go away?

How cute are these rainboots from ?
I can totally see Gabrielle stomping puddles in these.

Creativity. It's a state of mind ...

My green light is on telling me my creative battery is finally fully charged. (My husband will be so happy!) I smile knowing it has found it's way back to me. I'm inspired daily and my cup runneth over.

The act of creating something, whether it be a logo, a print ad, a brochure, a unique photograph or some other random creative human expression, is one of my most cherished activities.

Once I’m immersed in creating something, I usually maintain that state until I complete a meaningful chunk of work such as finishing a concept [which usually sparks the next, therein lies the dilemma] Or until I run out of time due to a pending appointment, or until I’m overwhelmed by a physical sensation like hunger or exhaustion.

For example, I began designing this capabilities brochure at 9pm one evening. I worked on the bulk of the concepts for six hours straight from blank page to first-client-glance and posted it just after 3am. I remember seeing 11pm on the clock at one point, but after that I lost all sense of time. For those last four hours I never got out of my chair, not even to use the bathroom. I forgot to eat dinner. I didn’t notice that the rest of my family was soundly asleep. Or that the TV went to infomercials, I went to sleep at 3:30am and awoke just before 8am feeling totally refreshed. Okay, after about 2 cups of coffee...... somewhat refreshed. Us artists? We're a rare breed.
Those who wish to sing, always find a song.
~ Swedish Proverb

Water the Garden ...

This door tag from makes me giggle. Just a weee bit classier than a necktie on the door, no?

How true is this. On one hand, my husband and I would love love LOVE more mommy & daddy time --- but on the other, we feel so blessed. We had to wait so long to be parents. We simply cherish the time we have with our little darling and cannot wait for siblings. Even on our nights out, the conversations inevitably make it back to what amazing thing she did today. We know [more importantly, we believe] the best thing we can give our children is Christian parents that are wholeheartedly in a loving, healthy and balanced relationship to model for our little sponge that soaks up every thing she sees.

Sigh, we learned a valuable lesson what back-burnering our marriage can do. Soooooo, a conscience effort has to be made to get us out the door and loving up on each other. HA. How sad is that? That is one of the biggest surprises of parenthood we have faced. You see .... we truly do enjoy each other's company. We are husband and wife, yes, but we are also such great friends with similar goals and interests. For a while we lost that when our focus was entirely off of us. I know, I know, water the garden, right? Even with this knowledge, we both still put off our dates on occasion. Shame on us. There's no denying, increasing communication with your spouse will definitely lead to intimacy and greater trust. Amen!

We're just gonna have to set up a regular sitter at least once a week. Even for a few hours. Ahhhh, adult conversation and time with my man, sign me up! Hiccup? Chad's wacky on-call schedule. Usually need someone at a drop of a hat. Where there's a will there's a way!

“Live a balanced life - learn and think and draw and paint and sing and dance and work and play and pray everyday.” ~ author unknown

Balance. What's that?

For me [and long before children] it's always been about creating balance. With my all or nothing personality (or is it my ADD?) balance tends to elude me. I just get so completely immersed. Fantastic for what I'm immersed in, not so great for what I'm not. 10 years ago, before I started my own design business, it was finding the balance between 12 hour days in an ad agency and my personal life. I was, what you call, highly motivated. Your go-to gal. Deadlines were deadlines and you stayed glued to your monitor until they were completed and then (only then) you could go collapse.

Later, it was finding the balance between working at home and shutting down to actually enjoy being at home. Shortly after, it was cramming all my deadlines into 3 days a week so I could, i dunno, pretend I was retired for the other 4? I would run errands, take care of our home, our farm and all the animals that implies. I recall snickering to myself that I could work in my pajamas while on conference call with New York. Fast forward several years. With great anticipation, we are now a family. We are so thoroughly blessed and incredibly grateful. As far as balance, yep, it has shifted again.

As an infant, my pumpkin slept so much that I could maintain a good pace. My husband, bless his heart, he has watched his motivated wife go through so many stages these last few years. For so long I was spending like i still brought home a full time salary. Dangerous territory with a husband who checked out when he was stressed and a wife who kept causing said stress. Ugly cycle. I've come full circle, (growing up? hmmm. perhaps!) I admit, and I do hunger to stretch my creative legs again as I'm burning the midnight oil tonight, but come morning --- it's all about ponies, princess crowns & cheerios, and I soooooo love that too. Fortunately Chad and I are both on the same page. She has her mommy's guidance sun-up till sun-down. Although I'm quite strict, I'm also the goofiest playmate i know. There's that need again, balance.

Right now, my daughter is 2. I've (all too eagerly it seems?) put my workload in a perpetual holding pattern. Yes there are project exceptions, but mostly mommy-mode-for-me. Recharging my creative battery while wearing my new mommy hat is beautifully decadant. Well, I'm once again bursting with creativity all while truly realizing I am the luckiest mommy on the planet. [did i mention I'm my darling's personal color crayon artist?!!!] and am finding it hard to run a design firm when Bert & Ernie are my biggest (non-paying) clients! I neeeeed the creative outlet my designs bring me. There I said it. I crave the blank canvas of my Quark document. The beauty is, I have never enjoyed my life more than as a mother. To compensate I need to be more selective of the jobs I seek and ultimately the projects I take on. So don't stop calling me my precious precious clients!!! It's a win-win! Downside to my part time gig? translates to way less income. With MY impulsive nature? Being thrifty is not my strong suit, but I am learning (thank you for your recent sermon Pastor Tim) ... stuff is just stuff. period.

In my marriage, my life, my balance ----- my saving grace has been prayer and my faith in God. I'm constantly reminded that when I try to control everything on my own, well... that is when I feel the most overwhelmed and defeated (and depleted). Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." I could not agree more.

And last (but definitely not least) I need to give a shout out to Chad. I do have such an amazing husband who is such a wonderful dad. He makes raising our child that much more fun and that much easier to do because he is so hands-on. But at the end of the day, like all moms, you realize you get through it because you love your children, you love your life and the balance is just found.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ready, Set, Go ...

I have 4 serious passions in life. Art, Animals, Family & Christ. Wait. is baking a passion? Make that 5!

Been thinking about this whole blog thing for quite a while and have decided to jump in and give it a try. I currently read blogs regularly, so this cannot be too much of a stretch? After seven years my existing graphic design website ( 3SistersDesign ) is in my designer-day-spa getting a complete overhaul. I figure with that undertaking, plus research & bouncing around ideas with my husband to possibly launch an online children's boutique, oh and did i mention help raise our darling 2 year old daughter at the tender age of almost 38? Well, I figure I'll have plenty to talk about --- not that that has ever been a problem for me!

This is to be a quiet place for me. A well deserved 10 minutes for a mommy to gain clarity & perspective, perhaps discover how to manage this balancing act of mine? I've also decided this to be my creative voice so you will likely see art (& artists) I admire, recipes, inspirational quotes. Or even a nod to the latest gadget/child must-have? (hmmmm, she says with gears turning!) Regardless, I am anticipating this will be a total trip (& perhaps very entertaining to bear witness to). I've decided to document my experience. This is my blog adventure. In it my joys & frustrations with parenthood, work & most anything else that goes on in my oh-so-glamorous life. I cannot promise that what I've to say will be in any way better than the bazillion blogs you already read. I'm just inviting you along for the ride.

“If you believe you can, you probably can.
If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."

—Denis Waitley