artist — mother — create — love — laugh — pray

This is to be a quiet place for me. A well deserved 10 minutes for a mommy to gain clarity & perspective, perhaps discover how to manage this balancing act of mine? I've also decided this to be my creative voice so you will likely see art (& artists) I admire, recipes, inspirational quotes. Or even a nod to the latest gadget/child must-have? My joys & frustrations with parenthood, work & most anything else that goes on in my oh-so-glamorous life! I'm a stay at home mommy by day. At night I read bedtime stories. When I'm not busy cutting food into small pieces, I design.

Monday, July 30, 2007

milestones .... oh how i loved the 80's!

Okay, so my 20th class reunion was this past weekend. For your morning dose of laughter (!) I am enclosing my senior photo (which at the time my friends and I referred to as My Floating Head Pose) a little 17 year old Lisa with huge hair. (can you almost smell the "Aussie Scrunch Spray"?) We didn't have ipods we had cassette tapes, boom boxes and finally sony walkmans, we didn't have Playstation, we had atari and frogger, we didn't text message but passed notes as fast as the mills could could make the paper. We didn't have cordless phones so we begged our parents for the longest cord possible to get some privacy. In my case, I would wind the phone around the wall to the laundry room and close the pocket door. During my years in high school I witnessed the birth of VCRs, Madonna, Leggings, MTV, Banana clips, cropped Guess jeans (that zipped at the bottom and even better if they were ripped), Breakfast club, 99 Luft Balloons and I'm not ashamed to admit I was an 80's rocker, ha ha, again ... see the hair photo. I am one of those people who positively loved the highs and lows and the friendships of my high school years. My heart full of love and often broken, but those were just the best of times. There's an unmistakable bond with the friends you make during such formative years. When I wasn't attending football games or playing volleyball or tennis, I was almost always on the phone with my girlfriends analyzing the latest drama in our lives (which there was never a shortage of, ha ha). If you could bottle the energy found in a teenage girl talking with her girlfriends it would be the best energy source on the market. All in all our Class of '87 reunion was a success. So great to see everyone after all these years, most I haven't seen since our 10 year and some I had wished to see were not there. Loved meeting my friend's children the next day and was also quite nice to spend time with some folks I didn't get the opportunity to know very well while actually in high school. I openly admit it was my loss. As predicted, our 20 year was very different from the 10 year and makes me wonder what our 30 year will be like? After ten years everyone is still trying to figure out who they are, they are climbing whatever ladder they chose and creating an image of themselves. By the 20th, I found that had all gone by the wayside. They understand they are who they are and who they are going to be....and most are comfortable with that. We were all able to go and say, Hey, this is me....take it or leave it! Much more liberating, ha ha. What stinks about being almost 40? What is good about it? Well, I don't like the slower metabolism, that's for sure. Sometimes I feel too busy for my own good. But I do like the age I am now because I know exactly who I am, who I was, and I don't make any apologies for that at all. I am better at not wasting my time and savoring the small joys and simplicities of life. My advice to current high schoolers? You're not the center of the world. Deal with it. Have fun, work hard, and welcome new experiences. Look beyond the person to your left and right and reach out to others. But most of all, don't worry about your hair. Trust me, it's not worth the time! ha ha Where do I want to go from here? What do I want to do? Who do I want to be? I want to be nice and be good counsel for others. I want to love people passionately. I want to feel vibrant and capable. I want to travel more and read more. I want to know God more. Most of all, I want to enjoy my family, be more active and laugh a lot.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

... and the winner is ...

How exciting! With an entry from our Maui vacation, our darling little hula girl, Gabrielle, just won the monthly photo contest at The Paisley Pumpkin. In addition, these nice folks are making her a custom boutique blanket as her prize. How cool is that?!!! We chose the pretty in blue chocolate and blue floral fabric and it will have a scrumptious cream colored chenille backing. What a nice surprise... and I should mention it fits nicely with her Mommy's over the top love of cute baby blankets!

Monday, July 23, 2007

your name here.

Personalized stationary is a funny thing. It can seem corporate and steely. Or it can seem juvenile and silly, like the heart-dotted "i". It can also be flat out beautiful. These designs are a little retro, a lot lovely, and a nice reminder to write your thank you notes. (I, for one, am way behind but remain determined!) 12 bucks a set from froy and olo

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Cozi Central. Just found this on one of my favorite sites Daily Candy, Cozi is a fabulous and free shared family calendar. Shopping lists. Send quick text messages to family members' cell phone. Cozi just works. It looks clean, organized and uncluttered, regardless of hectic schedules. Truly could not be easier and now I don't have sticky notes stuck all over my house. Okay. So it seems I'm ever on the quest to be more organized. (Those who know me best probably think that's a good idea?) Personally, I'd much prefer to live my life in the moment and wing it. Hey, if it works it works. Of course if it doesn't work (which sadly for me it does not) I've heard of this cool free program that lets you keep an online family calendar. Anyway, I just made this planner my internet browser's homepage so my lists and daily schedules stare me smack in the face whenever i flip open my life-line, oops, I mean my laptop. Two words: Do This. Just log onto Cozi Central — a totally free web tool made for busier-than-busy parents. The software (which was written by ex-Microsoft whizzes) is a mini command central for the fam.

Oh, and it’s color coded (did I mention I simply adore color codes?!!!) for each member of the family (yes, babies, too), plus centralized shopping lists that can be accessed on your PC or Mac, by text, or verbally via cell phone (from, say, the peanut butter section of aisle thirteen?). No more scheduling meetings. No more double bookings. No more forgetting to pick up the milk. Cozi also lets you delegate tasks to other family members and send them calendar updates and messages by e-mail or text. I almost feel completely on top of things? <smirk>

(giving credit where credit is due! I first found on DailyCandy and artwork created by Sujean)

I see London, I see France ...

Omigosh. How cute are these? I just love little girls in dresses and am always on the hunt for cute diaper covers for Gabrielle. I recently came upon these adorable floral bloomers by Lilypad Babies. Bonus? Your little fashionist-ah can even have them personalized, ha.

Give your artist a new canvas...

Slumber party anyone? Each ColorMe Pillowcase Set comes with 10 fabric markers & matching greeting card(s). All of the child-drawn ColorMe products allow children to express their creativity and create personalized keepsakes for themselves, friends and family members. Built on the simple principle that “Giving is Good,” 10% of our gross proceeds are donated to children's charities. Thank you for helping us Color the World Brighter for All Children!

Photo quilts? Me likey.

Modern, playful, orignal artwork created from your child's closet. First of all. I love symmetry and balance when it comes to my art. I've located an artist who shares my love of design, photography, heirlooms and children's clothing! Friends With A Fish was created by Brooklyn based artist and mother of two, Juliette Conroy. It all began with the idea to save her children's pj's to someday make into quilts. Six years later (and no closer to even learning how to quilt) Juliette decided she would photograph the pj's and make them into artwork for her children, artwork that would complement the contemporary yet whimsical feel of their room, artwork that would be visually pleasing to both the children and the grown-ups in the house. She will also make abstract photos and wedding collages. For me, (someone who would love to quilt but has not a clue nor the patience) .... well, I do know photography, fine art & framing. I can absolutely do this!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Nana Gram

If you’ve ever wished you could send a beautiful hand knit heirloom sweater for that special baby in your life but you can’t knit or don’t have the time to knit, then Nanny Gram is exactly what you need! Nanny Gram is a network of knitters that creates classic, handmade baby clothes using luxury wool. You place your order and it will be shipped within days to your gift recipient with a personal note and beautiful gift packaging. A truly classic gift!

Clean and Polite? Now That's What I Like!

Looking for a great new placemat and good manners to go along with it? Check out the fabulous Piggy Platter by Smarty Parents. It's a placemat and a craft mat! What I love about the Piggy Platter is that fact that you can personalize it to your child's interest. Its clear surface allows you to slide pictures underneath. You can display your child's artwork, a favorite picture from a magazine, photographs, or, purchase the clever "Platter Pix" from the Smarty Parents site and help your child learn ABC's, 123's, Shapes, Geography and more! I LOVE the letter practice sheet. It comes with a child safe dry erase pen so your little one can practice writing letters and then you can just wipe it clean. Speaking of wiping it clean, the Piggy Platter is also dishwasher safe. Whether it's a messy spaghetti dinner or an afternoon of Play-Doh sculpting, the Piggy Platter keeps your table and your child clean! It also has a removable "gutter" to catch the spills or store the supplies. In addition to their Piggy Platters, Smarty Parents offers manners minded board books and music. Their adorable piggies, Penny and Perry, are toddler piglets who are learning the "proper" way to eat at the grown up table. Visit Smarty Parents today, and get your little piggy a platter! Summertime is the perfect time to get crafty, and why not brush up on manners while you're at it! I recommend the Gift Pack, you get a Piggy Platter, 3 Platter Pix, and the It's Neat to Eat board book for $32.95, a fantastic deal! Be sure to check out their "Pig Slop" section for great family fun recipes that are easy to make and neat to eat! They also have a great section about teaching manners to little ones and parent resource articles on how to raise "polite little piggies." Also (if that wasn't enough!) you have the option of donating $1 towards the Feed The Children fund!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

When Mom Is Playmate ...

"Mommy, we go swimming?"
Gabrielle asks enthusiastically as she pops up at 7:30am clutching her yellow giraffe.

"Sure Sweetheart," I say giggling and moving her to her changing table. "Right after Mommy makes a giant pot of coffee, starts a load of laundry, unloads the dishwasher, makes breakfast, feeds pups, ... " (I start to tickle her toes) ... "Oh," she says, "Otay." Ever so sweetly (ever so innocently). Clearly I just melt, gain toddler perspective and breakfast that particular morning becomes a form of tea party with fuzzy animal guests. She then proceeds to wear her pink lifejacket around the house all morning, completely content.

Such is the daily challenge. The Mother of One is frequently Chief Playmate. Knowing that kids love to play (and that play is an essential part of their development) brothers and sisters in the family are built-in playmates. While I positively love love LOVE to play with my daughter (and be a part of the wonder she finds in each new day) I do know that playing with other children is a must.

That said, our home has been bursting at the seams with neighbors, nieces and nephews from all sides for almost 2 months. Most recently, I've been watching our nephews (12 & 11) and niece (5) during the day for this past week while Gramma out of town. It has been a switch going from 1 child to 4 for 5 days (ha ha) but I cannot tell you how excited Gabrielle is to wake up and know she has 3 cousins to play with all day long. (Getting her to sleep is another story!) Although we've been positively melting in this 100 degree heat, we've manages to pack in a lot of play time at the park and the pool. Oh, and getting meals/snacks together for "the troops", well, oddly that too I have enjoyed. Once I get the rhythm down, I find my stride. Plus, I like the hustle-bustle having children in the house provides. Not that there hasn't been hectic times, but I cannot imagine not having more children. These particular cutie-pies are all growing up so fast, it has been fantastic getting to know them all over again (and on a daily basis) for this particular age/stage. (A shout out to my wonderful aunts & uncles who did this and more for my sisters and me back in the day!) This has only reinforced the fact we truly want more children and are praying accordingly!

Now .... at 11:30pm, I am off to tweek a logo concept.
Life is good. I stand in awe of how God moves. When we put our trust in Him, He takes all the parts (mistakes along the way included) and weaves them together into something beautiful.