artist — mother — create — love — laugh — pray

This is to be a quiet place for me. A well deserved 10 minutes for a mommy to gain clarity & perspective, perhaps discover how to manage this balancing act of mine? I've also decided this to be my creative voice so you will likely see art (& artists) I admire, recipes, inspirational quotes. Or even a nod to the latest gadget/child must-have? My joys & frustrations with parenthood, work & most anything else that goes on in my oh-so-glamorous life! I'm a stay at home mommy by day. At night I read bedtime stories. When I'm not busy cutting food into small pieces, I design.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

comments anyone?!

a friend of mine just did this and I thought it was a great idea.... i would love to know who reads this silly blog. So... if you read this on a regular basis, would you consider leaving a comment? would love to know you're out there!


nikki said...

Yep, that would be a big YES for me :-) I love it, and love your creativity and awesome ideas....!!!

Graphic Designer Mommy said...

thank you nikki (i read yours too) and thank you to all of you who sent me emails! :)

Unknown said...

You're an amzing woman, with so much creativity. I pop in here and read your page about once a week. It inspires me, keeps me in contact with reality. It makes me feel good to know their are other moms/women out there dealing with the same things I am. (raising kids, MEN, and just finding time to be myself and enjoy my life).

Anonymous said...

You know I do!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I wish I had the time and talent to make one myself. I love being a part of this family and being your sister. Thank you for keeping this updated, it truly is inspiring. Maybe you creativity can start to rub off on me. Love you sister!